This morning AE had his mysterious kindergarten testing.  Was it placement testing?  Testing for the gifted and talented program?  Just a general assessment of his abilities?  Who the hell knows?  Not me, as they were completely not forthcoming about what it is for.  It is required of newly enrolled kindergarteners, that’s pretty much all I was told.  He did fine, of course, and the teacher seemed impressed.  Maybe we’ll find out at some point what they use the testing for.

N and I were wondering how we’ll work AE’s lunch situation when school starts in two weeks.  Currently we have to pack him a lunch every day, and I figure it will be nice to have the option to just send him with money some days.  (Of course now they have a debit card account system that we’ll have to set up, but that is a separate issue.)  That’s the way we did lunch when I was in grade school – on the good menu option days I would eat at school, on the gross days (roast over rice = “roaches over lice”) I took my lunch.  So I pulled up the elementary school menu for our district to see how much of it AE is likely to eat.  However, I have a few questions that I need answered but don’t want to call and ask for fear I will sound like a moron.  So take a look at this menu and give me your opinions on the following:

  1. What do you suppose the pigs represent, if anything?  Are they merely randomly-placed decorative pigs or should I be looking for some sort of pig explanation key?
  2. Why do certain items have asterisks by them?  Like ham* and sausage patty* and soft tacos*?



N met my mom yesterday afternoon to pick up AE from his final visit to The Swamp.  Since he’s been gone for a few weeks he had of course not seen my newly acquired tattoo.  At bathtime last night I was scrubbing him down and he saw it.  What is that?  AE asked.  I explained it was a tattoo, but not the temporary kind like he gets sometimes.  So it will be there forever?  I confirmed, and asked what he thought of it.  Good, he said.  Then followed up with Oh wait, I meant NOT good.  Just out of curiosity, I asked him why it wasn’t good.  He looked me square in the eye and said Because it is tacky.  So now my husband can rest easy, it is obvious that our son takes after him even more than we previously thought.  *sigh*