AE is now officially registered for kindergarten. I went to the school on my lunch break and filled out all of the various and sundry forms (Is your child a migrant worker? Do you have a permanent address? Has your child been exposed to TB at any point?) at the nearby elementary school. I’m torn between “WAH my baby is growing up so fast I can’t belieeeeeeeve it” and “WOOT no more full-time daycare for two kids”. I’m leaning heavily towards excitement because seriously – an entire semester of after-school care costs less than what we currently pay for a month of daycare. We are going to feel like we got a raise! Assuming we can get a slot in the after-school program, that is. I don’t think it is super-competitive, but I will be the first one in line on July 24 JUST TO BE SURE.

Further proof that AE is quite the little man these days: yesterday afternoon I had a few errands to run so I took him with me, leaving Miss T at home with Daddy. (Hot Tip for parenting more than one child: divide and conquer!) We stopped by the mall so I could look for some new work clothes, and he patiently waited while I browsed the sale racks. He finally let me know he’d had enough while we were in the fitting room and I was trying to make a decision: “Those pants look fine, Mommy. Let’s GO.” Hee, just like his father.

Additionally, yesterday he and his dad decided to flip his bed into the loft position. I was a little hesitant because I know how timid AE can be about heights (he won’t climb on some playground equipment if he deems the platforms too high, and has an interesting approach to the bridges as well. A daredevil, he is not) so I worried that there would be crying and/or much gnashing of teeth when he realized that he would have to actually climb a ladder into and out of bed. He slept in it last night seemingly without incident (although he came into the living room this morning saying something about hurting his head while climbing down – ??), but I think we should give it a few days before I render a final verdict. Plus there are the minor logistical issues to still be ironed out: where to put the eighty jillion stuffed animals, books, and other little trinkets he likes to have in the bed, and also what to do with his sippy cup of water now that there is no nightstand within reach. The trade-off will be worth it – it will help to have all that extra storage space since his room is kind of on the smallish side and is consequently overflowing with toys and books. Oh, and just in case you were wondering – it probably isn’t wise to start a project involving a child’s bed only 30 minutes prior to the child’s bedtime. Just FYI.