Okay, so here’s the deal. It’s hard to write a blog post when your life is as boring as mine. There’s just nothing to say! I work, come home, fix dinner, possibly take a quick nap, go for a walk with a friend, then go to bed. And, end scene.

Seriously, folks, my life would make the world’s most boring movie. However, I am looking forward to one rapidly approaching event: the Big Ultrasound has been scheduled for August 14. Any guesses on whether this baby is a boy or a girl? Frankly, I’m quite sure that baby #2 is a boy, much like baby #1. However, this is not based on anything scientific (or even any old wives’ tales) – just a feeling I have. Of course, I Had A Feeling that AE was a girl, so who knows. In case you would like to have some fascinating factoids on which to base your guess, here’s what I can offer:

  • I have been a lot sicker this time than I was with AE. Horrible nausea all through the first trimester, along with some actual (although thankfully not constant) puking. I never actually got sick with AE, just (very) mild nausea, and just in the mornings – and it was easily cured by a few Saltines. This time it was an all-day deal that could not be shaken (except by the Phenergren my doctor finally prescribed). Bleh.
  • I haven’t been nearly as hungry this time. During the first trimester with AE, I woke up every single morning at 4:30 or 5 absolutely starving to death. I would get up, eat a few crackers, and go back to bed. That only happened once with this pregnancy.
  • I am having horrible headaches about every other day, something I don’t remember ever happening with AE.
  • I was SO TIRED during the first trimester. N swears I was not this lazy while pregnant with AE.
  • I have gained 4.5 pounds so far, according to the nurse at my 16-week visit last Tuesday.
  • The baby’s heartbeat was 150 beats per minute when the doctor (finally!) found it on the doppler.
  • It’s hard to tell at this point, but I seem to be carrying kind of high and definitely all in the belly. Of course, keep in mind that I am only 17 weeks along, but I can still easily wear a few pairs of my pre-pregnancy low-rise pants – fully buttoned and zipped! So I don’t seem to have gained weight anywhere else.
  • I am craving Mexican food like a maniac, but so far am not having beef cravings like last time (much to N’s dismay – I usually don’t eat beef and he’s been looking forward to it).
  • My cravings are in general usually for salty foods, not sweets.
  • Acne. Sigh.

So there you have it – anyone care to hazard a guess?