So! The last several days have been rather…crappy. And that doesn’t really even begin to cover it. Miss T is teething and WOW, I had forgotten how much that phase blows. She fussed and screamed pretty much continuously for the long weekend so that was fun. It seemed especially horrible because she is so good natured usually – I swear at one point I was sure my baby had been replaced with a pod. (Although now that I think about it, a pod baby would have probably screamed less.) However, without jinxing it, I would like to tentatively say that baby ibuprofen and Humphrey’s teething tablets seem to work for her. Possibly. Last night was much better, anyway. We had been dosing her with baby Tylenol all weekend because that’s what always works for AE and I guess we’re in a rut. But apparently all children are not the same. Who knew?


Before the weekend went totally into the crapper, N and I had a very nice time on our Friday afternoon off. We went out for lunch, then to see Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised! I’m always a little skeptical when a sequel is made years and years after the original(s) but I think it worked well in this case. It was fun and there was plenty of action, and as long as you aren’t put off by science-fictiony stuff you will enjoy it. Cate Blanchett was a good choice for the antagonist (vocabulary word! My high school English teacher would be proud) and does an impressive Russian accent (technically Ukrainian, but the movie is set in the 50’s so really it’s a generic Soviet Union type-accent I suppose. History lesson! Am on a roll today!). Oh, and I was also surprised to find that Harrison Ford can still pull off the action genre even though he’s pushing 70. Overall, thumbs up. I realize it is getting rather harsh reviews from actual movie critics (rather than mommybloggers who merely fancy themselves as critics), but I thought it was good. Of course, when I was a kid I really liked the movie Mac and Me so it is possible that my standards are a bit low.


Did you know that very few things come in packages of 100? Or even in amounts that could be easily combined to make 100, like 10, 25 or 50? AE had to take 100 of something to school last week, part of a lesson I assume. So I stopped at the drugstore near our house to find a hundred somethings. Band-aids come in boxes of 60. Candy comes packaged by weight and/or volume. Stickers come in varying random amounts, usually 12. Straws come in packs of 75. Do you know what does come in bags of 100? Cough drops. And since I certainly wasn’t going to send him to school with a package of medicine, I finally ended up buying the 448-pack of gold star stickers. And then had to cut some of the sheets apart because damned if they weren’t in sheets of 56. What is this? Personally I find 50 and 100 to be nice, pleasing round numbers, and it seems to me this would be a good way to package things. Apparently the manufacturers of the world do not agree. And yes, I am aware that I could have purchased a large bag of candy and just counted out 100 pieces, but I was attempting to be lazy. So much for that plan.