The weekend was mostly uneventful, as our weekends typically are.   We did manage to fill the time with an assortment of non-events.

Miss T continues to work toward crawling and occasionally gets very angry that she is still mostly immobile.  She has spent the last several nights sleeping in her carseat to alleviate the problem of I Can’t Yet Crawl But I Practice In My Sleep.  Seriously.  It is really annoying.  After the 4th time I went in there Friday night to rescue her from her hands and knees I said forget it and into the carseat she went.  Much better.

AE went to play at a friend’s house and had a terrific time.  He was SO EXCITED when Tommy and his mom got there to pick him up that he did the funniest happy dance I have ever seen.  However, he came back from playing after a few hours and the mystery redness on his face had gotten worse.  We ended up taking him to the doctor on Sunday (yes, our pediatrician is open on Sundays, which is convenient yet expensive) to receive a diagnosis of – wait for it – BUG BITES.  I told N that’s what the doctor would say and really wish I hadn’t been right.  And while my prediction was correct, I do not believe that the doctor’s diagnosis was.  I have never seen any sort of bug bite completely disappear overnight, or flare at completely random and unrelated times.  Oh well, at least we got a prescription for stronger cortisone cream than is available OTC so it wasn’t a total loss.  If it works.

N mowed the front yard and hit the high spots in the back (most of our backyard isn’t growing due to total lack of rain around here).  He also spent some time on Friday evening being a hand model.  Oh, and he watched a DVD he had borrowed from a co-worker – episodes of Red Dwarf.  Have you seen this show?  I watched a few minutes with him and it is beyond weird.

I actually got out in the front yard myself and pulled some weeds from our long-neglected flowerbed.  There haven’t been flowers in it since we moved into the house almost two years ago, but at least now there aren’t any weeds either.  I hate yard work (not to mention I have a brown thumb) and used my pregnancy as a reason to avoid it last summer.  But this summer I have no excuse so out into the heat I went.  It does look better, if only marginally so.

I also managed to squeeze in a movie this weekend while AE was at his friend’s house.  At an actual theater and everything!  That rarely happens anymore.  Anyway, my friend BB (lurker and very occasional commenter, hello!!) and I went to see The Happening.  I am still not entirely sure how I feel about it.  It was disturbing, to say the least.  It wasn’t bad, but it was more graphic than I think was absolutely necessary.  There were several scenes where BB and I just knew what was coming and so we covered our eyes.  I also found it to be extremely effective at inducing paranoia.  On the drive home I passed a couple of cars that were driving somewhat erratically and I began to panic.  OMG!! AN EVENT!!!  WE’RE ALL SECONDS FROM DEATH!!!  But no, just people on their cell phones.  Let’s put it this way:  if you are into thrillers that will haunt you for the next few days, then this is the movie for you. 

Well, I guess that’s about it.  It’s almost time for me to start the evening marathon so I guess I better wrap this puppy up.