Miss T went to the doctor yesterday for her 6-month checkup.  She’s growing well (which I knew), 90-95th percentile for height, 50-75th (which seems kind of a wide range) for weight.  She has gained exactly 7 pounds since birth, now tipping the scales at 16 pounds 11 ounces.  Similar to AE at that age, but he was a bit heavier.

While we were there, I asked her pediatrician about her sleep habits and described what we’ve been dealing with so far.  How there is no pattern at all – some nights she’s easy to put down, others she can’t settle, some nights up 4-5 times, some nights only once.  Sometimes hungry, sometimes no, etc.  And guess what.  He doesn’t know what is going on with her any more than we do.  Hmmm, he said, That is strange.  I have no idea why she would be all over the place like that.  The teething shouldn’t cause that, she’s getting plenty of calories during the day, there is nothing wrong with her hips that could cause discomfort.  No suggestions at all, so no help there.  Oh well, I am not concerned.  She’s happy and contented and if she wants to occasionally party in the middle of the night, so be it.  Sleep is nice but there will be plenty of time for that when she goes off to college.


Last night N and I finally (FINALLY!) sat down to watch The Bourne Ultimatum, which had been sitting on our entertainment center since it arrived from Netflix at the end of April.  We both really liked it.  The beginning was a bit slow, but once it finally took off the action was practically nonstop.  I do have a gripe with the way the camera was bouncing around all over the place.  Look, I watch movies for entertainment, not because I have some need to pretend that I’m a part of the action.  I KNOW that I am sitting on my couch in the comfort of my living room, at no point will I be fooled into thinking that I am now IN THE MOVIE.  There is no reason to film the whole damn thing as if from the perspective of a person literally on the run.  Of course, the next movie in my queue is Cloverfield and my sister walked out of that movie because she was feeling seasick.  So it is entirely possible that this was not that bad.  But I digress.  Ultimatum wrapped up the loose ends from the first two movies nicely, answered all the questions, it was good, you should see it if you liked the others, yadda yadda and all that.  But on to my real favorite part of the movie - Julia Stiles’ hair.   Let’s discuss, shall we?

I LOVE THE COLOR.  LOVE.  IT.  I’ve been wanting to do something similar with my hair for a long time.  I really like the thick chunks of color and am beginning to seriously consider actually having it done instead of just looking longingly at other peoples’ hair.  But I have a few concerns.  I have never had my hair professionally dyed before, and when I attempted to achieve deep red streaks in college I ended up looking like the freak of the week.  Of course, I did it with the help of my roommate using a $5 bottle of dye so maybe that’s why.  Even so, it looked pink for a long time and I didn’t think my mother would ever let me hear the end of it.

I’m thinking this is probably a rather high-maintenance look to pull off.  I know that people with standard highlights have to get them done every 6 weeks or so, so probably chunks of color like this require even more frequent touch-ups.  Frequent visits to the salon = MUCH MONEY.  And as we all know, I am very, very cheap.  Not to mention, very, very lazy.  I can’t even be bothered to get my hair trimmed regularly.  Now that I think about it, why am I even considering this as an option?  I know exactly what would happen.  I would get it done, I would love it for about a month, then it would begin to grow out, I would moan and bitch about needing to get my roots done, then I wouldn’t do it because I wouldn’t want to spend the money, then I would bitch some more, and by then it would look like total crap so I would whine about that, and then my husband would shave off all my hair while I slept just so he wouldn’t have to listen to me anymore.

Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all.