It’s time for Movie Madness over at Daily Mish Mash!  I’ll be participating in the blogging carnival again tomorrow (because Lord knows I don’t ramble about movies enough on my own and I need another excuse), but in the meantime pop on over and pay Jen a visit.  She’s got a fun movie-related gift basket giveaway that you can enter to win just by leaving a comment!  And if you would like to participate in the MM carnival yourself, leave her a comment letting her know that as well. 

 *abrupt subject change* 

We had our family photos taken as scheduled on Saturday, although I did consider canceling them for a few minutes there.  Miss T had had a particularly sleepless night, and I was afraid we would all be too crabby and tired-looking for any decent pictures.  But after a long nap that morning (for her) and a serious attitude adjustment (for me) I decided we should go ahead.  I managed to coordinate outfits for all and convinced AE to wear the nice brown shoes that he claims are too tight.  (Being the sympathetic mom I am, I told him to suck it up and take one for the team.)  We even made it to the studio on time, in spite of the fact that Miss T and I dozed off on the couch and N lost track of time.   We were sitting in the waiting area ready to go.  Miss T was decked out in a bib so she wouldn’t drool all over her dress, and then I discovered that AE had spent the entire car ride sucking on the sleeve of his shirt.  I am sure we presented the image of quite the happy little family when I grabbed his arm and hissed What were you thinking? through clenched teeth.  GOD.  If it isn’t one thing it’s another, you know?

When I wasn’t spending my time wrangling children this weekend I was watching TV.  I believe that I have found a new favorite show:  In Plain Sight.  I’ve always enjoyed cop shows, and this one fits the bill.  Okay, so she’s technically a U.S. Marshal, but that’s close enough for me.  And good thing I like it, because USA was showing a marathon of it on Saturday morning – but it is a brand new show and only 3 episodes had aired so far.  So in standard USA Network weirdo fashion, instead of showing those three episodes they showed the same episode three times in a row.  THAT makes perfect sense.   I have to seriously wonder who is in charge of scheduling their programming.  Because I think they might be on drugs.

While I was watching the new episode of In Plain Sight last night (you are up to 4 whole episodes now, USA!  Time for another marathon!), I was distracted by the three mosquitoes buzzing around in front of my TV.  I’ve noticed quite a few insects in my house of late, and can only assume it is due to the dearth of water outside.  Until last night and this morning, we hadn’t had any measurable rain for months so I guess all the bugs are coming into my house looking for water.  I don’t mind the occasional roly-poly or junebug, but the buzzy mosquitoes I could really do without.  Just seeing and/or hearing them gives me the psychosomatic itchies!!  Thankfully they aren’t actually biting anyone, at least they don’t seem to be.  Unless this is the cause of AE’s mystery red spots, but I highly doubt it since that isn’t his standard reaction to mosquito bites.  (And in case you were wondering, the spots have been looking a lot better and were hardly noticeable by Saturday’s photo session.)