I’m participating in August Movie Madness over at Daily Mish Mash, so if you like discussing movies click on over and check out the other participants!

As I’ve mentioned before I love movies (DUH) but am not a fan of the traditional girly movie.  I prefer those of the action and horror genre.  (And of course married the rare man that does NOT in fact care for movies like that, gravitating instead to thinky epic-type films and things with subtitles.  But I digress.)  Anyway, there are several chick flicks that are not only NonSoccerMom-approved, I own several of them on DVD.  Spoiler disclaimer:  As always, I try to avoid spoilers in my movie reviews.  However, there may be things that you may consider a spoiler that I wouldn’t so proceed with caution. 

Notting Hill – I love everything about this movie!  Hugh Grant is adorably bumbling, Julia Roberts is beautiful as always, and Rhys Ifans is hilarious (if disgusting) as Grant’s flatmate.  A sweet story with a fabulous soundtrack.  Highly, highly recommend.

The Princess Bride – A classic, previously reviewed on my list of all-time faves.  There is absolutely nothing negative I can say about this one, and I just can’t praise it enough.  LOVE.

Steel Magnolias – This one makes me cry every time, but it is so good!!  In my opinion, Dolly Parton steals the show.  She’s so cute!  I try and catch this every holiday season when it is aired on cable.

The Princess Diaries – Julie Andrews is stunning (of course), and Anne Hathaway does a cute reluctant princess.  I think I like this one so much because it is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to happen to ME as a child!  I want to be a long-lost princess of an imaginary European country!

The American President – Excellent.  A nice romance with plenty of dry humor thrown in.  There are a few parts a little too political for me, I get lost in all the technical details of presidential elections.  (My husband is shaking his head and sighing as he reads this, I guarantee it.)  It isn’t much, though, and the rest of the movie more than makes up for it.

Dirty Dancing – Another classic.  My husband HATES this movie (I don’t really understand why, just because he feels he “should” as far as I can tell) but I love it!  The dancing is terrific, Patrick Swayze is awesome and the 50’s music is fun.  I was pretty young when it came out and didn’t really understand the full story until I was a little bit older (what was going on with Penny, etc.), plus my mom always made me leave the room during the one major love scene, but I’ve enjoyed this flick since I was a kid.

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants – N makes fun of me for liking this one, but as I keep telling him, THE PANTS ARE NOT THE POINT.  It is a heartwarming movie about friendship, family, and growing up.  I think all four of the stars do a great job, and I particularly love Alexis Bledel.  Overall, it is just a great girlfriend movie.

When Harry Met Sally – This movie is hilarious.  I was resistant to watching it at first but my college roommate insisted.  It was definitely worth it!  A great friendship movie with some romance on the side.  Plenty of awesomely funny parts, including the infamous deli scene.

Please note that none of these are hard-core romances.  I haven’t seen The Notebook (I KNOW!  Sorry, Jen.) or Pride and Prejudice, or even Casablanca.  Watching movies that I assume will be sappy tearjerkers is not my policy.  That’s just how I roll.

What is your favorite non-sappy chick flick?