So I have mentioned before that AE goes through phases where he talks a lot.  A LOT.  We have apparently cycled back into one such phase, with one difference:  he isn’t really talking TO anyone.  He’s just talking to hear the sound of his own voice, so far as I can tell.  None of it makes any sense to me but that doesn’t stop it from grating on my nerves.  He even rambles constantly while playing Wii.  (He also bounces and runs around the room like a manic while Wii-ing but that’s another post.)  Tonight’s endless monologue sounded a little something like this:

Here I go time for the 8th hole par 4 OH bogey!  or triple bogey!  man, stupid bogey.  time for the 9th hole go go go oh!  man!  blah blah blah dee blah things that don’t make sense blah blah jabber jabber blather incessantly blather jabber JABBER.  JABBER JABBER JABBER.  jabber some more!  more things that don’t make sense to anyone!  10th hole!  monkeys!  monkeyball!  oh!  bogey!  time to go again blah blah dee blah!  things!  that my mom doesn’t understand!  I’m just talking!  for the sake of talking!  and I probably don’t even realize that I’m still talking!  TALKING!  my dad wisely has his iPod on to block me out but my mom is listening for baby sister so luckily she can hear me too!  and I’m talking!  BLATHER BLATHER BLATHER!!!!!

Oh, you guys, it is BAD.  And I am undoubtedly a bad mom for being so incredibly annoyed by it, but holy freaking COW just give it a rest, you know?  STOP TALKING.  Preferably before my ears start to bleed.


Work continues to be – as my husband would put it – a giant SUCK.  And there’s really nothing interesting to note about that, except that this professor is back.  Only this time he says You have a good strong German name!  Spelled with a K, even!  How did your family know to give you such a good strong German name?

I don’t even know what to say to that.  I…nope.  No idea.


Miss T has started pointing at things.  Everything, actually, and as she points she always says BA.  BA! Yes, look, what a nice orange pumpkin.  BA! Oh, a bird.  Look at that bird.  BA! There’s a baby!  What a cute baby.  BA! Are you a baby?  BA! Who am I?  What’s my name?  BA! I suppose I should just be grateful that she has a limited vocabulary and also occasionally stops to take a breath…