Halloween was good, our HOA has a little neighborhood carnival that takes just the right amount of time, plus if we walk down to the park we can stop at a few houses for trick-or-treating on the way back.  AE is starting to get a little old for the carnival games, but he doesn’t seem to mind.  So, now, pictures:

Every year I take pictures with the official Halloween bear.  This was obviously Miss T’s first year, but it was AE’s seventh and it has been really neat to compare the annual pictures and see how much he’s grown.  I wonder how many more years before he starts to protest taking pictures with a silly stuffed bear? 

 I included the next picture because it makes me laugh.  I’ll be sad when Miss T no longer needs to hold her arms up for balance while walking.

Hope you all had a fun Halloween!  Personally, I’m glad it is over because next up is Thanksgiving, and I prefer turkey and dressing to an overload of candy any day.