The longer I’m an adult with a “grown-up” job, the more I realize that a lot of things in the workplace make very little sense at all.  Also, even very smart people are capable of being incredibly stupid.  My sister -  5 years younger than me – is coming to this realization herself.  And not surprisingly, her revelation is related to the freaks she works with and the food-related drama they create.  (Incidentally, if she had her own blog I wouldn’t have to keep telling stories FOR her.  HINT, HINT.)

Sher: So we just got this email:

We have had a couple of instances over the last couple of weeks where items have come up missing. The items that I know about are a package of deli meat and a pair of earrings. I wanted to know if anyone else has any other items that are also missing. I am trying to determine if a call should be made to the management company regarding the cleaning crew.
Please advise.
Thanks, BossLady

Sher: Isn’t it more likely that someone LOST their earrings and a coworker ATE the deli meat and won’t fess up to it?  I mean should we really jump to conclusions and say that OF COURSE the janitors did it?  I mean what kind of lame-ass thief rifles neatly through people’s things and takes only one pair of earrings (which could not have possibly cost much or why the hell would someone leave them here) and DELI MEAT.  WHO GOES IN THE FRIDGE, ready to steal, and digs in a drawer and takes ONLY the DELI MEAT.  I am almost 99% positive it was a coworker that just doesn’t want to get chewed out by Angel, the person whose deli meat was “stolen”.  To me, that is a much more likely scenario.  But please, let’s crucify the people who clean the office.


Sher is not the only one who got a questionable e-mail from a co-worker today.  This one went to my entire company from the receptionist:

If you have a “little blue car” and you are parked at the back of the building in front of the next suite’s warehouse, please go move your vehicle. This is all the information I was given regarding the vehicle.
There is a truck waiting to move them.

Oooooooookay.  I’m not sure what “them” the truck is waiting to move, but it is entirely possible that I’m missing something.  Like a direct object.


And here’s a scenario I find particularly troubling, given that the offender is a highly intelligent professor of a very complex scientific field.  I’m not talking Professor of Crayon Drawings or anything like that.*  Anyway, he’s always one of my challenges and today was no exception.  I submit, for your review, a brief summation of my phone conversations with him over the last two days:

Me: (early yesterday morning)  I need your personnel list so that I can finish up your budget.

Dr. Wizard: So you need an explanation of the budget request.

Me: No, it is much easier than usual.  Just a list will do.  No detail.

Dr. Wizard: OK.

Me: (yesterday afternoon) Just a reminder, I need a list of personnel before I can finish the budget.

Dr. Wizard: Okay.  I need to know exactly what you need and I’ll send it before I go to bed tonight, so that you’ll have it first thing in the morning.

Me: Great!  I just need a list of personnel.  That’s it.  I’ll e-mail an example.  It is short and sweet.

Dr. Wizard: Perfect.

Me: (8:15 this morning)  *thinking to self*  Hmm, no e-mail.  Maybe Dr. Wizard never went to bed, since he promised he would send me that list first.

Dr. Wizard’s partner in crime: What do you need from Dr. Wizard to finish the budget?

Me: A personnel list.  That’s all.  Just the list.

Dr. Wizard’s partner in crime: I’ll tell him.  Should be easy enough.

Dr. Wizard: (many hours later) I noticed you haven’t finished the budget yet.  My partner in crime said something about some personnel list?  What is this?  I will send you my very detailed budget explanation even though you specifically told me you don’t need that.  And I will be sure NOT to include the personnel list along with it, even though you have told me at least four times that is ALL you need.

Me: *banging head repeatedly on desk*

Dr. Wizard: Are you finished with the budget yet?

*Oh, for crying out loud, enough with the being cryptic.  He’s a freaking physicist, and the chances that he’ll ever find my blog and/or realize that I am talking about him are slim to none.  He isn’t even capable of checking his e-mail to find the answer to a question that he asked me to send him.  VIA E-MAIL.