Today’s post is part of Blog Share and was written by an anonymous writer.  To see more anonymous posts, check out the full list of participants at the bottom.  My contribution is posted somewhere among them.  Enjoy!

I’m not sure I would admit this on my own blog, but I often have a little “theme song” playing my head. Anyone remember Ally McBeal? Didn’t her therapist recommend having a theme song? Sometimes I even go so far as to play the song, if I’m listening to music at the time and I have the song available. Growing up, it was “Wild World” by Cat Stevens. When I was single, I used to play, “Foxy Lady” by Jimi Hendrix while I got ready for dates. Cheesy, yes, I know, but it helped. When I went to Vienna I couldn’t get “American Girl” or “Young Americans” out of my head. And in the Bahamas, it was all Bob Marley, all the time.

Now, my usual theme song at work is, “She Works Hard for the Money” or “9 to 5”, but I don’t know many of the words to “9 to 5” so I just hum the tune. At home, it’s mostly Janis Joplin (“My Baby”) or “What Have You Done for me Lately”. I often turn on Janis Joplin in my car and rock out, singing at the top of my lungs. Oh! Embarrassing story! Once, when I was singing and talking and generally acting crazy in my car, one of my friends saw me at a stoplight. Apparently, he tried several times to get my attention and couldn’t. He asked me about it later, and he was laughing SO HARD. He was like, “What on earth were you doing?” I totally lied and said I was on my cell phone, but I could tell he didn’t believe me.

And You Know What Else
Andrea Unplugged
Blue Soup
Bright Yellow World
Caity of the Keps
Daily Tannenbaum
Did I Say That Outloud?
Dispatches From The Failed Mommy Club
Face Down
For The Long Run
Full Of Snark
In Java, Literally
Just Below 63
A New Duck
The North Is My Snowcone
Not The Daddy
Operation Pink Herring
Pants, Pants, Pants
Red Red Whine
Sassy Buster
Sauntering Soul
Shushing Action
Snow-Covered Hills
Swimming With Sharks
Thinking Some More
Trueish Story
Way Way Up
Whiskey Marie