I’ve seen this meme on several of the blogs I frequent (All and Sundry, Jonniker, Dooce and She Likes Purple to name a few) and I figured I may as well join the party.  I have nothing else say right now anyway, unless you want to hear all about how I think that the prices at Carino’s have gotten totally out of control.  So here we go:

How long have you been together?

We started dating in June 1999  and got married in June 2001.  On the anniversary of our first official date, no less.  So almost a decade, wow.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?

That is actually a point of debate.  Quite a while because we went to the same school starting in 6th grade.  However, we didn’t really know each other until I started working at the movie theater his mother managed.  That was right before our senior year of high school, in August 1996.

Who asked whom out?

I think I did.  Sort of.  He was just about to ask me and I said something that freaked him out so he started backpedaling and I had to assure him YES, I do want to go on a date with you!

How old are each of you?

N is 30, and I am 29.  For a few more weeks, at least.

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Probably my sister, although his brother does live in town.  He’s a busy college guy, and we are old and uninteresting.

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?

Parenting is a challenge, of course, but we are on the same page most of the time so that isn’t a major deal.  Plus we’ve been parenting for almost as long as we’ve been married so I guess it’s just the way things are!  I think the big hot-button issue for us is the extended family.  Let’s just say that having both sets of parents living within a few miles of each other is not always a good thing.

Did you go to the same school?

Yes, once I came to my senses and transferred from Texas Tech. 

Are you from the same home town?

Yep, both hail from the Swamp of Enchantment. 

Who is smarter?

I’m not even going to lie, N is totally smarter than me.  He’s got this amazing ability to retain and more importantly RECALL facts that he’s read just one time.  I’m no dummy but he makes me feel like one some days.

Who is the most sensitive?

Depends on what is meant by “sensitive” I guess.  He’s more sentimental and demonstrative, but I cry far more easily.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?

We don’t actually eat out all that often, but regularly get Freebirds to go.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

We visited London and Paris in spring 2004.  It was awesome.

Who has the craziest exes?

HA HA HA, I could get myself into so much trouble on this one.  But I’m just going to point out that I haven’t been pawed by any of my exes since they became my, you know, EXES.  Moving on! 

Who has the worst temper?

N has a very slow-burning fuse but when he gets seriously pissed it is best to stay out of his way.  I lose my temper easily but then once I’m done ranting/venting/acting like a madwoman I’m done and it is over.

Who does the cooking?

We both do.  It isn’t a set chore for either of us.  Usually we wait until the kids are in bed and then we make dinner together.

Who is the neat-freak?

Neither of us is a neat-freak in the purest sense of the term, although I have a tendency to be far more anal about cleanliness-related things.  I am okay with clutter to a point but then suddenly I snap and start stashing things in random spots just so I don’t have to look at them anymore.  I have a cleaning lady for a reason, y’all.  I’m an embarrassment to my neat-freak parents.

Who is more stubborn?

Um, that would be me.  Bull-headed doesn’t even begin to cover it once I’ve set my mind to something.  However, N can be plenty stubborn in his own right, but he’s a lot more selective about when he chooses to dig in his heels.  I’m stubborn about everything, all the time, usually for no other reason than I can be.

Who hogs the bed?

I guess I do, since my sister also makes this claim on the rare occasion she has to share a bed with me.   Apparently my ass takes on a life of its own and seeks out the other person in the bed so it can ram them in the side.

Who wakes up earlier?

During the week we get up at pretty much the same time, although N generally gets up a few minutes before me.  On the weekends we take shifts in the mornings but 9 times out of 10 N takes the early one.  That’s because he can go back to sleep after being awake for a few hours and I have a harder time doing that.  Also because no one wants to deal with me first thing in the morning.

Where was your first date?

We went to Carrabba’s Italian Grill for dinner and then followed it up with Austin Powers:  The Spy Who Shagged Me.  Because nothing says romance like Mike Myers!

Who is more jealous?

N.  I’m not a jealous person at all.  It comes from being a snobby snob snob and having an overabundance of self-confidence.

How long did it take to get serious?

Not long.  We were talking marriage pretty early on, and in fact were engaged within a year.

Who eats more?

Probably him, but mostly due to snacking.  We eat roughly the same amount at mealtime and I may even surpass him sometimes but that’s because I don’t snack. 

Who does the laundry?

Me, always.  Sometimes he’ll move the clothes into the dryer for me but only if I’m shouting very specific instructions from across the house.

Who’s better with the computer?

He is a Computer Guy.  I can barely operate iTunes.

Who drives when you are together?

He does because he is some sort of a control freak in that way.  I don’t understand it at all (because I really am a good driver), but also don’t mind.  Because if I lived in a large city I would fully rely on public transportation.  I hate driving.