Let’s see, how many posts have I started off by saying OMG I am so busy at work and it is overwhelming every aspect of my life  and I’m cranky and the laundry is piling up and I hate cooking and bathtime and bedtime and everything is chaos SEND HALP.  However many posts that is, you can add one more.  Because WOW am I busy at work and lo, it is making me cranky.

In case you are actually still reading (because really, I wouldn’t blame you for backing away slowly), here is a nice bulleted list of what is pissing me off this week.  You’re welcome.

  • People who call to say “I’m sending you an e-mail”.  And when you begin to recognize said person’s number and don’t answer because you know they are just calling to say “I’m sending you an e-mail”, they leave a voice mail.  And the voice mail just says “call me” and you do not want to return the call because you know they are just going to say “I sent you an e-mail”.  But you have to return the call, because if you don’t they will just KEEP CALLING EVERY 15 MINUTES and driving you bats.  So you call, and they say “I sent you an e-mail.”
  • People who drive 10 mph slower than the limit for no discernible reason.  WTF I HATE YOU.
  • My computer at work, which has a mysterious printer recognition problem that cannot be diagnosed and therefore cannot be fixed.  And as a bonus, cannot be replicated in front of the IT people – leading them to believe that I am an idiot who doesn’t know how to print anything.
  • Small furry mammals who get all up in my personal space, uninvited and UNWELCOME.
  • People who think they are more important than everyone else and therefore the rules don’t apply to them and also who like to declare their awesome importance with long boring oratories that have no point whatsoever except to say I AM SPECIAL, LISTEN TO ME AND MY GLORIOUS SPECIALNESS.
  • Playing the drums for Guitar Hero: World Tour, which are ridiculously, unbelievably hard and therefore not fun at all because of the frustrating impossibleness.
  • Dirty laundry, and its unwillingness to clean, fold and put itself away even though it is more than capable of multiplying like bunnies all by itself.
  • Toddlers who are all rainbows and sunshine when picked up from daycare, complete with a glowing report of having had a “really great day”, but who suddenly become dark, frightening, evil minions of Satan upon entering their own home.
  • Having to dress for the Arctic weather inside, when it is finally consistently warm outside.
  • My hair.
  • Six-year-old boys who do not understand the concept of NOT closing their bedroom door because people are sleeping and they are not capable of closing the door without slamming it so please leave the door open do you understand?!  Sure! SLAM.