Sunday – Got into our attic to dig out items to sell in the garage sale BB and I are having on Saturday (postponed from the originally planned date of last Saturday).  Apparently there are birds nesting up there.  Ew.

Monday – The work deadline from hell that we had been preparing for and stressing over for the last two weeks.  Fortunately it wasn’t as bad as my coworkers and I originally thought it would be, because we are awesome and got most of the work done ahead of time.  Yet I was still quite glad when it was over.

Tuesday – Back to work, although with admittedly less pressure.  Received a very cute bouquet of flowers as a thank you from a professor I had helped the day before.  See?

Also on Tuesday -  Got a promotion.  It was a good day.

Wednesday -  Took a carload of garage sale junk over to BB’s house.  Stood around for a while, surveying the vast amounts of crap and the unfortunate lack of tables.

Thursday – Caused a scrambled egg to defy the laws of gravity and possibly physics, while microwaving it as I have done a million times before:

And now, I will predict the future:

Friday – Go to work.  Go home, wrangle the kids into bed.  Go over to BB’s and spend many many hours setting up for the garage sale.  Simultaneously, drink wine.

Saturday – Wake up at the ass-crack of dawn to haggle with people over the price of a shirt that is already priced at a quarter.  Drink eleventy-jillion gallons of coffee and hope to hell that all the effort we’ve put into this damn garage sale  will have been worth it.