Yesterday I stepped away from my desk for a little while, and when I returned, it was to an e-mail from AE’s kindergarten teacher. The subject line was “incident today”. I opened it, expecting to read that he had gotten a minor injury or something along those lines. But no.
Ladies and gentlemen, my son dropped the f-bomb at school. And never before have I been so horrified. I hope I never am again.
I replied to the teacher’s e-mail, apologizing profusely and assuring her that N and I do not in fact condone our 6-year-old son using that kind of language. That we would discuss it with him at home, and so forth. She e-mailed back immediately, thanking me for supporting her efforts at discipline.
Anyway, so AE got a major Talking To when he got home. His explanation is that they were playing with Legos (true, verified by the teacher) and one of the other kids named his Lego boat the “F*** You” (catchy) and that AE just repeated it and he was the one who got caught. Maybe that story is true, maybe it isn’t, but either way he’s grounded from Wii for a week and from playing computer games online for two weeks. Plus he had to write a letter of apology to his teacher. Let me just say that these are NOT the types of situations that parenting books can prepare you for. GAH.
Also yesterday: When I went to pick up Miss T at school, she was carrying around a baby doll. It was a little black baby, wearing an African tribal dress. Miss T’s teacher (Linda) told me that she will ONLY play with that specific baby. There are about a dozen other dolls for her to choose from, but Miss T picks the African baby every single time, and she apparently gets quite offended if another child tries to play with it. Linda is black herself, and she seems to find it particularly hilarious that the pasty little blonde child refuses to play with any doll but the black one.
I was poking around in our Flickr account looking at old photos and found these:
HOLY FREAKING CRAP, how young do we look?! This was taken before we were even engaged, I think, maybe Christmas 1999? Look how blonde my hair used to be. Le sigh.
AE, when he was wee and innocent and didn’t swear like a sailor. April 2004, I believe.
Me, very very pregnant with AE, trying to cool off during the hottest summer Colorado had seen in like 100 years. And there was a drought, so our HOA refused to fill up the complex swimming pool. And we didn’t have central air. OF COURSE.
AE dressed up as a dragon for Halloween 2003. I adore that costume and kept it, and I believe it will fit Miss T this year. Yay!!
Here’s one of me and N at Wrigley Field when we went to Chicago in spring 2005. It’s really hard to take a picture like that, but we always hate asking random strangers to take a picture of us.
Hey, look at the time. Gotta go. Have a great weekend, everyone!!