Another week has gone by.  Another week that provided me with absolutely nothing in the way of interesting discussion topics.  It’s freaking hot here.  We’re not doing anything fun, we’re all just trying to not die.  So in the name of updating, I give you a bulleted list of randomness.  (Is there any other kind of bulleted list?  Not around here.)

  • N and I watched The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor a few weeks back and I kept forgetting to review it.  It’s bad, y’all.  First off, I’m not a huge proponent of replacing the person who plays a major character.  I like Maria Bello but she was not an acceptable substitute for Rachel Weisz.  And the plot was decent enough, but too far removed from the first two movies to work as a sequel.  Those two things were enough to convince me that this film should not have been made at all, but the third strike was Alex O’Connell.  Don’t know if it was the fault of the writers or of the actor playing him but he was a total douche.  We own the first two Mummy movies, but will not be adding this one to the collection.  Thumbs down.
  • We also rewatched Live Free or Die Hard.  There’s a movie that does NOT suck.  I think I’ve reviewed it before (though I am too lazy to find out for sure) but either way, if you haven’t seen it you should.  Most excellent.  Possibly even better than the original Die Hard, although admitting that seems almost like sacrelige given my overarching opinion of sequels in general.
  • AE has been at his grandparents’ house all week long, which is part of the reason I have nothing to write about.  It’s been extremely quiet in the evenings, which has been a very nice break.  N is actually on the way to pick him up as I write this (Miss T is taking a nap) so the peace will soon be over.
  • BB and Clark W. Griswold were both on vacation this past week, meaning that it was unusually lonely and quiet for me there too.
  • I’m a little creeped out that they’re still showing infomercials with Billy Mays.  I liked the guy (and had actually just gotten into that Pitchmen show on Discovery right before he died), and I think it’s fine to show the infomercials again eventually but it just seems to me that there should be some sort of waiting period out of respect for his family.  Although, I guess his family gets money each time one of them is aired.  Huh.  I just figured it out.
  • I’m going to be incredibly busy at work starting tomorrow, and to try and head off the insanity I went in to the office for an hour or so yesterday.  It’s easy to get a lot accomplished when I’m there by myself and don’t have to worry about interruptions.   I was thankful, however, that I’m cold-natured otherwise I would have found it far too hot to concentrate.  They turn the AC up to almost 80 on the weekends and between that and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows it was rather sauna-like.
  • There’s another Billy Mays infomercial on TV right now.
  • Oh my God this is very boring.  I’m sorry.  The good news (for YOU) is, I hear the sounds of an awakening toddler so I’ve gotta wrap this up.  Later, dudes.

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