So, I’m at home with AE all this week. I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever taken an entire Monday-Friday off work in the entire 5+ years I’ve been at my current job (medical and maternity leave notwithstanding, of course). Anyway, I’m not really sure what I plan to do with him all week, but today he had his frenectomy. (I did take him for a second opinion before agreeing to it, but ended up convinced that having the procedure would really be the best thing for him in the long run. Informed adult decision-making, FTW!)
I’m pleased to report that he did really well, but I felt bad for not preparing him a little better. N and I had told him in very general terms what was going to happen, but I didn’t want to freak him out by mentioning the whole needles-in-the-mouth thing. That’s what I remembered as being the worst part when I had the procedure done some 25 years ago – the actual clipping doesn’t hurt because of whatever numbing agent they inject you with first. The injections, though – ow.
Anyway, the dentist and hygienists didn’t help in that regard. They just sort of plunged right in without giving him any warning. And when he began whimpering, they sympathized by saying things like “Oh, that tastes really bad, I know.” NOOOOOO, he is crying because you ARE STABBING HIM WITH NEEDLES AND IT HURTS. He is six, not stupid!! You aren’t fooling him with your “bad taste” lies! Gah!
Ahem. So there was that, but otherwise the procedure went smoothly and quickly. He bled for a little while afterward, but didn’t seem worried about it. He can already stick his tongue out further than before, and it no longer forks at the end.
AE seems to feel just fine, other than a tiny bit of weepiness as he got the feeling back in his mouth and tongue he doesn’t seem to be bothered at all. He’s been bouncing around playing Wii all day and happily eating ice cream. We’ll go back on Thursday to have the stitches removed, so it times out where he’ll be all-clear for Meet the Teacher night and the first day of school next week.
All in all, I think we can count this as a success.