You may have noticed, I go through phases around here.  During some of them, I seem to have lots to say, plenty going on, and the energy to write about all of it.  Some other phases, however, are down cycles consisting primarily of The Lazy.  And right now, I am smack in the middle of one of those.  It’s been two weeks since I’ve posted, and the last several things I did post were bo-ring.  I could use the excuse that I’ve been busy, and that is true, but I’m busy a lot of the time but still manage to come up with something to write that isn’t coma-inducing.  (Clearly I am failing at this currently.  Jeez.  Find a point, Self.  Tout de suite.)

ANYWAY.  Moving on.  I’m flying solo with the kids for the next several days, as my lucky lucky husband is on a business trip.  It’s not that I envy him Milwaukee, necessarily (although it could be quite fabulous, I should not judge since I’ve never been), but I DO envy him five nights of blissfully uninterrupted sleep.  Ahh, sleep.  How I miss you.  Although last night went okay, and Miss T let me sleep in until 6:30 so I can’t complain too much I suppose.

I took the kids to a birthday party yesterday, at the local bowling/mini-golf/arcade/laser tag place.  I had never been in there before, and it’s actually a really neat setup, although I’m not sure why bowling under a black light is considered a good idea.  Also, I was quite horrified by how filthy my formerly clean-looking jeans and t-shirt looked under that light.  What ARE all those mystery splotches?  Do I really even want to know?

The party was for AE’s best buddy, so it was mostly 6-7 year-olds in attendence.  One of the other mothers had her 3-year-old daughter in tow, and when she saw me holding Miss T she took the opportunity to introduce herself.  She asked how old Miss T is.  When I replied with “21 months,” the woman goes “Oh my!  She’s really big for 21 months!”  Um, no?  Not really?  She’s actually smallish, in the 50th percentile for weight.  She’s kind of tall, I guess, but still easily fits into 18-month clothing for the most part.  I just found it a strange thing for the woman to say, and I wasn’t sure how to respond.  I finally just said, “Yes, she’s tall,” and left it at that.  But really, WTF.  Later I realized that it must have been this woman’s go-to comment when she didn’t have anything useful to say, because I heard her say it to another mother later.  In that case it was more accurate, because the not-quite-seven-year-old boy towered even over AE, who is quite tall for his age.  To her credit, the other mother smiled and agreed, explaining that her husband is 6’6″.  She didn’t seem offended, and I guess I shouldn’t have been either, but to me there comes a point when you stop commenting on the size of other people.  Maybe that’s just me.

All in all, yesterday was rather uneventful, and today is shaping up much the same.  Right now Miss T is banging on our Guitar Hero drum set while wearing her too-small sun hat and one of my hoodies.  AE is playing Lego Indiana Jones on the Wii.  It finally stopped raining, so maybe we can venture out and about later today to avoid cabin fever.  Hope you all enjoy the remainder of the weekend!