I took the whole day off from work yesterday, what with kindergarten graduation and all that.  (N is right, you really don’t want to get me started.)  Anyway, later that afternoon I decided to take the kids for a quick grocery store run before N came home from work.  That turned out to be a bad idea.

The grocery store nearest our house has these big flat curbs in the parking lot, between which you can leave your carts.  They are a couple of feet wide.  I parked right next to one so that I could easily load Miss T between the cart and car.  Well, AE got out of the car first and took up a position between the car and the carts in the curbed area.  Standing on the curb, in other words.  I knew he was there, but something happened when I went to get Miss T out of the car – I guess the combination of juggling her weight and my purse and trying to step onto the curb while avoiding AE and wearing flip-flops proved too much to handle.  My foot slipped and I crashed right onto my ass.  With Miss T in my arms.  She’s fine, and with the exception of a scraped ankle and impressively bruised thigh, so am I.  Of course, my pride was more than a little wounded when a young woman and an old man came over to make sure we were okay but at least we actually were, I guess.

After N got home, I was showing off my injury as AE looked on.  N was teasing and giving him a hard time about it, look what you did to Mommy, now she’s bleeding. AE’s response?  Hey, look at that.  Your scrape is shaped like a heart!  It’s like I gave you a kiss.  Except there’s blood coming out of it.