I switched back to my old green site theme.  The other one hadn’t been exactly what I wanted to begin with, and it had a couple of formatting and navigational issues that I just couldn’t cope with.  Plus it was a little too teeny-bopper angsty.  So, back to the old faithful green, which I have to admit I missed.  Now I just need to have N fix the little red star doo-dah that’s showing up on the browser tab.  I don’t know how to do that (or even what it is called, obviously).

Speaking of things I’ve missed, (SMOOTH SEGUE) I’ve also missed doing movie reviews, so I shall give you several.  Beware the spoilers after the jump.

Next – Eh, it was okay.  Jessica Biel was an odd choice for the female love interest, and Nicolas Cage’s hair was just gross.  It could have had an interesting plot if they’d tried a little harder, but it was so full of holes that it was really challenging to follow along.  Not the worst movie I’ve ever seen, but not even close to being one of the best.  It was watchable, nothing less, nothing more.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico – OMGGGGGGGGGGGG.  There were parts where I had to look away, because LO, even though I am not squeamish, I cannot handle violence against eyeballs.  GAH.  (I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before.) That being said, I did actually enjoy this one.  Johnny Depp is just such an awesome actor he can make pretty much anything fun to watch.  I haven’t even seen El Mariachi or Desperado (which it follows), but it wasn’t hard for me to understand the plot.  Overall, it was violent and offbeat and quirky, but certainly enjoyable.  Thumbs up!

Saw III – Ew.  Just EW.  I’ve reviewed both Saw and Saw II previously (EYEBALLS!  I TOLD YOU!), and it’s some sort of macabre fascination that makes me keep going with this series.  Saw III is a total mess.  It’s so grotesque in places that not only did I have to turn away, I had to fast forward while shrieking.  And I’m not even talking about the part with the liquified pigs, disgusting as that was.  The whole movie was a train wreck I could not stop watching.  It was sick and depraved and poorly acted, yet the next two sequels are in my Netflix queue already.  Sigh.

Jumper – Not bad at all.  It was way too short, though.  N and I both enjoyed this one, but agreed that the producers had obviously cut out some of the plot explanation in favor of keeping the action moving quickly.  Also, Hayden Christensen is a bit stiff as an actor but we knew that already.  Either way, an entertaining movie, worth picking up if you haven’t seen it already.