Okay, so I’m a little behind with this one since this movie came out in 2001. It was on TV a few weeks ago, though, and I saw just enough of it to get me interested so I added it to my Netflix queue.
It was pretty good for an action movie starring Owen Wilson. He just isn’t the type of actor that generally does movies like that so I think he may have been a bit out of his element. I don’t have a strong opinion on him one way or another, although this movie convinced me that he looks a lot better with his hair cut short rather than with his typical shaggy-looking style. Also, maybe he should see about getting that nose fixed – it looks painful.
The movie itself had some cinematography going on that I did not agree with. There were several scenes where they did a freeze-frame for a few seconds, then sped up the film for a choppy effect. I’m thinking that what actually resulted was not what they were going for – it was just distracting and a little confusing, not to mention random.
The music in this movie was a little too pop for me. I like pop music, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t necessarily find that it sets the appropriate mood when the movie’s protagonist is being pursued by an enemy sniper. The music used throughout kind of made it hard to take the movie seriously, but maybe that was the point. I don’t know.
N actually watched this one with me, and while he found it “a little over the top”, he agreed that it was entertaining. Surprising, given that he is generally far less tolerant of questionable casting and music choices than I am.
So all in all: Behind Enemy Lines – an entertaining, enjoyable choice for a lazy Saturday night, provided you don’t want anything too thinky.