Today at lunch AE wanted to tell jokes.  I don’t really know any jokes (well, jokes that are appropriate for a seven-year-old, anyway).  But that’s okay because as it turns out, neither does he.

AE:  What do you call a cross between an eel and a snake?

Me:  I…don’t know.

AE:  A eelsnake!

Me:  Well, of course.

AE:  Now it’s your turn.

Me:  Ummm, what do you call a cross between a lion and a tiger?

AE:  I give up.

Me:  A liger.

AE:  Hahahahaha!  That’s great!!

Me:  [trying not to roll my eyes]  Yep, pretty funny.  Your turn.

AE:  Why did the man jump off the roof?

Me:  I’m afraid to ask.

AE:  Because he wanted to see the aliens!

Me:  Okay then.  Why did the chicken cross the road?

AE:  To lay an egg?

Me:  To get to the other side!

AE:  [pauses]  That’s not funny.

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