I took Wednesday off work, as I have totally not been busy there but have plenty to catch up on at home.  It was awesome to have a day all to myself.  Where I could do WHATEVER I WANTED.  So I worked on our very neglected family scrapbook (12 pages down, approximately eleventy million to go), leisurely browsed the aisles at Target, found a great birthday gift for AE at Kohl’s (on the cheap – I had a $10 coupon and found a Game Boy game on sale for about $15.  So with tax I paid less than $7 for something he’ll love.  Woot!), and dropped some old clothes and toys off to sell at Once Upon a Child.  And of course found some fabulous deals on MORE clothes while I was there.  I love that store (and spend a ton of money there so they probably love me too).

Then at 4:30 the daycare called – Miss T had suddenly and mysteriously spiked a fever of 103.  So I went to pick her up, then called my boss to tell her I wouldn’t be in on Thursday either.  Miss T was very fussy for the remainder of the day Wednesday, but slept fine (relatively speaking, of course) and woke up fever-free on Thursday.  Weird.

I couldn’t take her to daycare though (24-hour rule) so we ran errands and played all day.  It gave me a whole new appreciation for stay-at-home moms – it is downright EXHAUSTING to spend all day chasing after an active baby.  I stayed at home for AE’s first year but he was never this…busy.  (Truth be told, he STILL isn’t.)


The daycare had a “graduation” party for the kids in AE’s class that are moving on to kindergarten.  They invited the parents of the graduates to come for lunch.  N and I of course went, if somewhat reluctantly.  AE is historically bad about crying and carrying on when it is time for us to go back to work, and we never go have lunch with him for this very reason.  We were sitting at a table with Tommy and his parents and instead of enjoying the food and cake, he spent half the time with big tears rolling down his cheeks.  He also tried to convince us he had a headache.  Clearly he hasn’t realized yet that his mother is the most unsympathetic (or MEAN, according to my husband) woman on earth.  Sorry, kid.


Tomorrow the kids, my sister and I are heading to my parents’ retirement place in Georgetown for what my husband has dubbed Lewiepalooza 2008.  (He can’t go, OF COURSE this would be the ONE weekend that he has something work-related to go to.)  My grandma (called “Lewie” by her siblings for reasons unknown) had her 90th birthday last weekend, so my parents organized a family reunion/party.  Grandma lives in The Swamp, but most of her family is in San Angelo so I guess Georgetown was a more central meeting spot. 

I have to go find some wee soft shoes for Miss T tonight – the reunion is going to be at a paved outdoor pavilion (with giant fans, or so I’m told, to help with the stifling heat) and since she likes to stand so much I feel like she needs something on her feet.  She currently owns exactly zero pairs of shoes.  Wait, that’s not true.  I bought her a pair of Robeez when I found them on sale, but they’re way too big for her to wear right now.  (I had foolishly assumed standing and furniture cruising wouldn’t be an issue for a few more months at least.)


I’m going to try and talk my husband into burritos from Freebirds for dinner tonight.  Again.  For like the third weekend in a row.  I think maybe they put something addictive in there (like that urban legend about Carmex), so that we have to keep coming back for more.  Freebirds, mmmmmmmmmmmm.


My sister and I have decided that we should collaborate on a book.  We have a collection of awesomely hilarious stories and anecdotes that we think the world deserves to read.  We’ve already come up with a few topics on which we have almost endless material:

  • Donna-isms:  “Crappy critters!”  (Our mom has a propensity for hilarious misuse of metaphors.)
  • The Defensive Idiot:  “Well, it is actually YOUR fault.”  (Adventures in the workplace.)
  • Donkeys of Doom:  “When evil flies.  Right at you.”  (Click here for background info on donkeys.)
  • Circus Life:  “When Dad’s Mom + Mom’s Mom = BFF” (Family gatherings involve EVERYONE.)

Seriously, between the two of us we could probably write a book the size of War and Peace.  New York Times bestseller list, here we come!  Ha ha haaa.

Have a nice weekend, everyone!