Hello. I am beyond cranky and have nothing of value to say at all. I can’t even point to one specific thing as the defining reason why I’m in such a bad mood, but there it is. Just a combination of things, I suppose, including but not limited to the following:                                                                                                Â
- I accidentally washed N’s wallet on Friday, which I still feel really bad about. AE had picked out that wallet for him just this past Christmas. I think the wallet is actually salvageable now that it has had a few days to dry out, but some of the photos he had in there are probably done for. I really am sorry, babe, I just didn’t even think about checking your jeans pocket for some reason.
- Miss T woke up for the day before 5:30 this morning. And even though she was still tired she was completely unwilling to go back to sleep, preferring instead to fuss continuously about how sleepy she still was.
- Miss T loves necklaces and was hanging onto mine when I took her to daycare. I tried to pry it out of her chubby little fist as I set her down in her classroom but she wouldn’t let go. And consequently managed to bust the clasp and send the necklace flying across the room. Where it dropped on the floor and several of the beads shattered. Today was the second time I had worn it.
- At lunch I went to McDonald’s, hoping to score some free coffee as I had a couple times last week. It seemed promising, as there was a handwritten sign on the counter that said “Try our free cappuccino!” So I waited in line, asked for the free cappuccino and was informed that the coffee machine was broken. THEN TAKE DOWN YOUR DAMN SIGN. DO NOT GIVE THE CAFFEINE ADDICTS FALSE HOPE. Also, this better not happen again.  You are already ON NOTICE about your milkshake situation.
- I had really been hoping that a nice flavored coffee would help with my pissed-offedness. So I went into the gas station adjoining the McDonald’s and started to fill a cup with french vanilla cappuccino. Then I realized it was looking a little…watery. An employee noticed my plight and “fixed” the machine, but now the stuff is so freaking thick I could almost take a bite out of it. I poured half of it into the sink (where it ran down the drain sloooowly, much like molasses) and cut the remainder with water, but it is still disgustingly rich. Ick. Is a decent cappuccino for the cranky lady TOO MUCH TO ASK? Especially when I actually PAID for it?
- N is going to have to work several nights this week (including tonight) due to an ongoing event at his office. He can’t help that (obviously), but it just means that I am going to be solely responsible for getting the kids bathed and to bed probably more than once in the next several days. Which is actually completely fine and not a big deal except for a few things. Miss T is still not 100% predictable at bedtime so I’ll have to just hope and pray that she doesn’t choose one of those nights to be difficult while I’m finishing with AE. Also, the dog acts like a total jackass when N isn’t around, begging for her walk (which I can’t take her for when I’m alone with the kids) more obnoxiously than usual and demanding to be let outside every 5 minutes. That behavior is frustrating enough when I’m not busy bathing kids and trying to get them to sleep, I do NOT need a huge-ass dog bouncing around and following me everywhere I go. God forbid it is thundering outside, that will do us both in because she just CANNOT calm down when it is storming. Additionally, it is supposed to rain and/or storm all week long.
- This post. It sucks. Sorry about that. UGH, BLAH, TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY.