Stuff I want
…in case you want to buy it for me. This list is current as of September 2017. I may not update my blog very often but I wouldn’t want to leave anyone without a gift idea! Namely me, because I can never remember when asked. #old
NonSoccerMom’s Birthday/Christmas/Celebration of Awesomeness Wish List
- The Fjallraven totepack. Ochre or green, or one of the shades of blue. Or purple. Or maybe just any color.
- A pair of Tieks. Size 10. Basically any color will do in these too, I love them all. The metallic bronze classics are my current favorite.
- A giant bag of Dum-Dums. Or coconut Jelly Bellys.
- Gift cards – iTunes, Amazon, Southwest Airlines.
- Or clothing-related gift cards – J. Crew, Banana Republic or Madewell.
- Pacific Rim on either Blu-ray or DVD.
- A pair of dark gray or black leggings/jeggings/form-fitting pants, preferably with pockets and of the variety that can actually be worn as pants without a long shirt. Basically skinny fit work pants, I guess. Size 4, long if possible.
- The Tool albums I don’t have: 10,000 Days, Undertow, Opiate (Mom, these aren’t on here for you) (sorry)
- Missoni Converse – size 10 – or just a Converse gift card
- A very simple gold bar necklace, something like this
- Horrorstor: A Novel
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