Wow.  When I was a kid, I used to make fun of my dad for lamenting the all-too-quick passage of time.  But now I believe it completely, for it simply is unreal that my precious baby girl is one year old today. 

You are something else, baby girl.  You never cease to amaze me with your boundless energy and cheerful nature.  Your inquisitive “bah?” with a finger point shows me how much you want to learn about the world around you.  Your laugh is infectious, and quite honestly I think that if someone can listen to you giggle without joining in, they may be a little bit dead inside.

And you are so busy!  SO busy.  Never one to sit down and take a break, you far prefer to move move move all the time.  It is a little exhausting for your dad and me, but we love to watch you play and learn.

You’re a spunky, fiesty little thing too.  Recently you have started to clearly express your extreme displeasure at being taken away from what you deem a fun activity.  But I’m sorry kiddo, it just isn’t okay for you to place calls with my cell phone.  Or eat rocks off the ground outside.

I love you more than you’ll ever know.  From the moment I first knew of your existence I adored you, and that love increased a thousandfold the instant I held you in my arms.  I was immediately taken with your tiny, perfect star-shaped baby hands and your pouty little lips.  I didn’t know of your sweet, loving nature then, but now I do.  I’m just blown away every time I see you sweetly rock your baby doll or stuffed dog to sleep, or gently pat your brother on the back when he doesn’t feel well.  You are the “little mommy” of your daycare class, I’m told, helping give bottles and pacifiers to the younger babies.

You’re a mess, little bit, and I love you more with each passing day.  I can’t wait to see what the next year holds, to see how your personality develops and what you have to say.

One last thing, sweet baby.  It would really be terrific if you would start sleeping through the night already.  This is getting freaking ridiculous.