Day #4 – I got nothin’
Today I have been very, very lazy. I had to take AE to get his stitches out at 1 p.m., and after that we went and made arrangements for his birthday party next month. And that’s about it.
Today I have been very, very lazy. I had to take AE to get his stitches out at 1 p.m., and after that we went and made arrangements for his birthday party next month. And that’s about it.
My daughter – whom I of course love dearly but that doesn’t change the fact that I am about to state – has been a real asshole at bedtime for the last few nights. You see, on Sunday night I made a fatal error. Miss T’s wee tummy was upset so I was a nice, […]
So far today, I have done the following (with AE in tow, of course, except for the items remotely related to cleaning in any way):
So, I’m at home with AE all this week. I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever taken an entire Monday-Friday off work in the entire 5+ years I’ve been at my current job (medical and maternity leave notwithstanding, of course). Anyway, I’m not really sure what I plan to do with him […]
AE has always been an early riser. When he was a baby, I could usually expect him to awaken for the day around 4:30 or 5 a.m. Thankfully, I didn’t work outside the home at that time so while it was annoying it wasn’t a huge deal. (Full disclosure: Looking back, it doesn’t seem like […]
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