Archive by Author

Movie Review – Max Payne

Over the weekend I managed to talk N into watching Max Payne with me.  I’m always surprised when he agrees to watch one of my Netflix movies.  He completely refuses with most of the stuff in my queue.  Unfortunately, I have a feeling he’ll go back to refusing me for a while after this one.  […]


My coworkers are so lucky.  This morning I was just a ray of sunshine.  (Surprise!)  Actually, truth be told I was completely fine until a series of (unrelated) e-mails that sent me completely over the edge from cheerful(ish) to utterly homicidal in a matter of moments.

Monday Randomness, because I didn’t have time Friday

If it hadn’t been for Cotton-Eyed Joe So I believe I mentioned in my last post that doing the Cotton-Eyed Joe in three-inch heels – after several glasses of wine – wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever tried to do.  And lo, I was right.  It took a couple of days to fully manifest, but […]

Scenes from a wedding

Not MY wedding, mind you, but the one I attended this weekend was very reminiscent of my own.  In fact, apparently the backdrop we used for our wedding was the inspiration for this bride’s decor.  I’m honored!  The ceremony itself was beautiful (and made me a little verklempt, as weddings tend to do) and the reception was a […]

Conversations with AE: Officially smarter than Mom edition

In the backyard wading pool: AE:  I don’t like Miss T’s swimsuit shirt.  You need to take that off of her. Me:  Miss T has to wear a top.