Archive by Author

Friday Randomness

Yesterday I stepped away from my desk for a little while, and when I returned, it was to an e-mail from AE’s kindergarten teacher.  The subject line was “incident today”.  I opened it, expecting to read that he had gotten a minor injury or something along those lines.  But no.

RWI: Saw*

I finally got around to watching Saw, and was pleasantly surprised.  (Odd as it is to connect the word “pleasant” with a movie like this.)  It wasn’t nearly as horrifically violent or depraved as I expected it to be, in fact I rather enjoyed it.  The acting was decent, the plot was solid, and I […]

My week: A short review

Sunday – Got into our attic to dig out items to sell in the garage sale BB and I are having on Saturday (postponed from the originally planned date of last Saturday).  Apparently there are birds nesting up there.  Ew.

AE tackles the important questions

Since AE has entered another cycle of continuous talking, he’s cracking us up with even greater frequency than usual.  And he always has an opinion, no matter the subject.


I have not really been reviewing wine lately.  I’m not sure why that is, although honestly reviewing wines is not nearly as much fun as drinking them.  Oh.  Hmm.  Maybe I do know why I’m not writing reviews.