Archive by Author

Things that are making me cranky, Part 9384739 of ?

Let’s see, how many posts have I started off by saying OMG I am so busy at work and it is overwhelming every aspect of my life  and I’m cranky and the laundry is piling up and I hate cooking and bathtime and bedtime and everything is chaos SEND HALP.  However many posts that is, […]

From Acrobats to Zombies

Wee Acrobat If you haven’t seen the video that N posted of Miss T, then please click on over and take a look.  Go on, I’ll wait.  It is hilarious, yet frightening.                          

In the beginning

I’ve been following Linda over at All & Sundry for ages (since even before her oldest son was born, I think) and her posts are always well written, insightful, and usually quite hilarious.  I enjoyed this post (and the subsequent comments) so much that I had to write one too.  (Because I am nothing if […]

A very important list

I saw this over at Metalia’s site, and I thought it was a great idea so of course had to make one of my own.  An anti-bucket list, fun!  Plus, I love lists and easy posts.  Win-win!

A whole lot of nothing.

I haven’t posted for a couple of days because we’ve been dealing with a sick toddler around these parts.  And as anyone familiar with toddlers or babies knows, there is nothing worse than a sick one.  Or maybe it is just me, but either way having a sick child squashes my will to live.  Fortunately, we seem […]