Archive by Author

In case you thought this was important

Here’s a couple excerpts of recent e-mail conversations between my sister and myself.  As you can see, we are clearly reasonable adults that discuss Very Important Matters with great regularity.  And as an added bonus, we are also politically correct.  Mom would be proud: Sher:  [at 2:00 p.m.]  I am hating being at work right now. The […]

None of these things belong together, none of these things are kind of the same

Today my lovely friend Shelly loaned me Guitar Hero:  Metallica because she knows the depth of my Metallica devotion.  Her hubby shares the same level of adoration, so they bought the Wii game when it was released this last weekend.  I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted to spend the money […]


Dear Other Morning Commuters: Oh, COME ON!  If the speed limit sign says 60, please, PLEASE SPEED UP.  How in the hell you people who constantly drive at 40 mph can get ANYWHERE - much less get anywhere ON TIME - is totally beyond me.  For the love of all that is good and holy, get your […]

I heart New York

Our vacation was terrific.  Definitely a great way to spend my birthday, I pretty much was able to ignore the big fat 3-0.  In fact, for all intents and purposes I may still be 29.

This post is not about my trip

I know, I know, you want to read about the trip. (Which was quite wonderful, by the way.) You all know by now that the mystery destination was New York City, and I do have a post in the works.  I promise.  However, today was spectacularly busy and shitty at work so I simply don’t […]