And the mystery destination is…
New York! Sweeeeeet. Later, y’all!
I took today off work so that I can pack, straighten up the house, and deposit Miss T with my parents. However, for the last several days I’ve been lamenting how hard it will be to get anything done with her underfoot. Folding laundry is a near-impossible task with her around to “help”, and she […]
AE continues to crack me up with some of the stuff he says. And I’m sure it is only a matter of time before I’ll get to do this for Miss T as well – even though she doesn’t say much yet she still goes out of her way to make people laugh. Hams, the both of them.
It’s Saturday night and I’m at home alone. Well not ALONE alone, the kids are in bed and the idiot pets are here to keep me company. But my husband is at work for like the fifth night this week. I just hope he can get his project done in time to relax on our […]
Okay, so I totally went back for the wine goblet. But then I discovered that it cost fifteen dollars. I’m sorry to say that my cheapness trumps awesomeness. Five dollars, okay. Maybe ten if I were feeling particularly spendy, but I draw the line at fifteen. Sorry, folks!
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