Archive by Author

In which I fancy myself a wine expert

One of my New Years’ resolutions was to branch out and try different kinds of wine.  (Actually, it wasn’t so much a resolution as an easy addition to the list.  I have to have a glass of wine with dinner!  And possibly a second!  I’m fulfilling my resolution!!  And I’m doing it FOR HUMANITY.)

Success vs. failure

Resounding success.  WOO! Guess what?!  I finally convinced my sister to start her own blog!  Well, in the interest of full disclosure I sort of started it for her because I figured she couldn’t say no if it was already all set up and ready to go.  And I’m the big sister so really I’m […]

For better or worse

I’ve seen this meme on several of the blogs I frequent (All and Sundry, Jonniker, Dooce and She Likes Purple to name a few) and I figured I may as well join the party.  I have nothing else say right now anyway, unless you want to hear all about how I think that the prices at […]

And this is why N doesn’t let me shop alone

Supposedly my work schedule allows me to leave at 4:30 every day.  Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t, due to the deadline-intensive nature of my job.  If I have a proposal that must be submitted by close of business and I don’t have it done by 4:30, I have to stay until 5.

And now for something different!

Today’s post is part of Blog Share and was written by an anonymous writer.  To see more anonymous posts, check out the full list of participants at the bottom.  My contribution is posted somewhere among them.  Enjoy!