To my daughter on her first birthday
Wow. When I was a kid, I used to make fun of my dad for lamenting the all-too-quick passage of time. But now I believe it completely, for it simply is unreal that my precious baby girl is one year old today.Â
Wow. When I was a kid, I used to make fun of my dad for lamenting the all-too-quick passage of time. But now I believe it completely, for it simply is unreal that my precious baby girl is one year old today.Â
Good news! It is indeed possible to avoid succumbing to a stomach bug of misery and destruction, no matter how pervasive it may seem to be. Apparently you just have to will yourself to not get sick. Because even though the Virus of Doom felled all other human members of my family, I managed to […]
So! Puking, puking and more puking. Check! Man, I hate puking. Whether it is me or somebody else it totally sucks. Or blows, whatever. Give me upper respiratory crap or even strep throat any day of the week.
Hey, you want to know something? I have absolutely nothing of interest to say. However, I have exactly 14 minutes before AE’s bathtime so let’s see what I can come up with. I can virtually promise that it will all be quite random and probably won’t make a lot of sense. That’s how I roll.Â
I know you are all on pins and needles. Undoubtedly everyone has been unable to sleep the last few days, awaiting photos of my new haircut. So now, I shall give you the great before and after shots:
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