Archive by Author

In which I refuse to be defeated by public transportation

In news that should come as a shock to no one: after all my gleeful exclamations about making public transportation my bitch, I got lost on the MUNI light rail this morning. Went inbound when I should have gone outbound and didn’t figure out the error until I was at the Embarcadero. Because I am […]

Just like a grownup

Y’all! I managed to navigate the San Francisco bus system and get from point A to point B ALL BY MYSELF. You may not be impressed, but this is a big thing for me. Here’s the deal. Whenever we travel I have N as a guide (enabler) all the time, see, and so I don’t […]


I know, I know. Believe me, I am very aware that it has been entirely too long since my last post. I could give you a ton of excuses, but that’s exactly what they would be. The truth of the matter is, I’m just lazy. There’s been plenty to write about – finishing school, going […]

And it only took 2.5 years!

We’ve been knocking around the idea of remodeling the master bathroom since purchasing the house in 2006.  For one reason or another, we never wanted to spend the money and eventually decided to just replace the faucets (since I broke one) and replace the outdated wallpaper with paint.  We vacillated between hiring someone or doing […]

2011, in a nutshell (kind of)

If interested for comparison purposes, you can find 2010’s end-of-year summary here.  If you write one, let me know in the comments – I love reading these as much as I love writing them! 1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before? Maintained a 4.0 GPA.  Made a one-day out-of-state trip […]