Archive by Author

A post-Thanksgiving cornucopia of movie reviews

Thanks to a recent international flight and a holiday, I’ve seen quite a few movies in the past few weeks.  I don’t think I’ve reviewed much of anything lately (wine or movies), so how about we jump right in? Captain America – Not really what I was expecting, but I’m not sure it’s fair to […]

Obligatory post-trip update

Okay, so I got back from Qatar on November 3.  Sue me, okay? You read this blog, you get what you pay for. Anyhow.  Qatar, yes.  A couple of coworkers and I were sent to our campus in Doha to meet with some researchers face-to-face prior to a big proposal deadline.  And I am here […]

Movie review – Rubber

I can sum up this little gem in two words:  WEIRD-ASS CRAP. Is that technically three words?  I guess.  Well, whatever.  You’ll see what I mean in a second here. Rubber is the story of a homicidal tire with telekinetic abilities.  Yes, you read that right. A tire. That can use its mind to kill. […]


I am not really a “typical” woman when it comes to a lot of things.  I don’t particularly like to cuddle or hold hands.  I tend to be cranky and temperamental.  I’m an anal-retentive control freak that is militant about a large number of household-related tasks.  I am completely lacking in sympathy and therefore make a terrible nursemaid.  […]

Eyeballs, etc.

LASIK update Y’all.  Y’ALL.  I had several people tell me how awesome it is, how I would wish I’d done it years ago.  And guess what?  I TOTALLY WISH I’D DONE IT YEARS AGO.  In addition to the cost (which is admittedly substantial), I was mostly worried about silly things, like being required to keep […]