Archive by Author

A brief conversation

In a burst of housecleaning frenzy I did some rearranging and reappropriation of storage containers.  Which led to this conversation with my son. Lex:  Why are my stuffed animals all in my laundry basket? Me:  Because now it is a stuffed animal basket. Lex:  Oh.  [leaves] Lex:  [immediately comes back]  But where are my dirty […]


First order of business – N told me he’d divorce me if I refer to him as Nic on this blog.  Or at the very least, take my site down completely!  I was correct in my assumption that he wouldn’t go for Nic, heh.  Betty had a good idea, but I call my father-in-law Roz […]

Some decisions, and a movie review just for kicks

I’ve grown weary of the nicknames I use for my family on this blog.   I was feeling woefully uncreative when I first started writing here and couldn’t be bothered to come up with anything fun for N and AE. Then Miss T came along and I copped out with her, too.  I don’t use real […]

Bullets of boredom

I felt like writing, but don’t have anything of interest to say.  At all.  You’ve been warned. I’m taking a 5-week class that isn’t going very well so far.  The instructor (a PhD student, mind you) didn’t even post the syllabus until the third day of class, and she’s been equally slackerish in terms of […]

Worth every single one of those many, many pennies.

Last week, in celebration of our 10th wedding anniversary, N and I took a 7-day cruise to the Caribbean on the Carnival Conquest.  And IT. WAS. AWESOME.  Wonderfully relaxing, and precisely what I needed after a looooooong semester of statistics and major stress. I truly couldn’t have asked for a more perfect vacation. The boarding […]