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Stream of consciousness, July 4 Edition

Happy Independence Day!  I’m surprised I still remembered how to log into this thing, honestly I have given it no thought whatsoever since I hit “publish” on that last post.  And shockingly, I still have nothing of earth-shattering value to say but thought I would just type for a few minutes and see what words […]

A Summer Story

Once upon a time, there was a little boy called AE.  It isn’t his real name, of course, but it is how his mother refers to him on her blog because those are his initials and she isn’t very creative.  Anyway, AE recently graduated from kindergarten.  

And the award goes to…

If I were giving out awards, the categories and winners would go something like this: Best Timing of Illness for Maximum Weekend Ruinage goes to none other than little Miss T.  She managed to impressively hail the arrival of a 24-hour stomach bug within an hour of getting to The Swamp on Saturday.  Sometime during our […]

Friday randomness. With photos.

Holy cow, is it ever boring around these parts lately.  AE has been with my parents all week so it has been really quiet at our house (save for Miss T’s incessant jabbering, of course).  I’ve been borderline sick most of the week and haven’t felt like drinking wine (travesty!) or watching movies and therefore […]

No time to waste!

It’s been kind of a crazy, hectic week – the kind of week I find easiest to sum up using my good buddy The Bullet Point.  Not to mention, I just put Miss T to bed and the boys are in Houston at an Astros game and let’s face it:  my alone time is precious […]