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Open for business

My freshman year of college, I was roomies with this great gal.  We got to be friends during our senior year of high school and became pretty much inseparable.  We finished each other’s sentences and were generally on the same wavelength about all manner of things.  Of course, along with that came plenty of inside […]

More e-mail fun

Yet another cut-and-paste from an e-mail conversation with my sister.  This one goes downhill quickly, folks.  Our mother would be horrified (as usual).  Poor Mom.  She tried so hard to raise proper ladies. Me: This is like the longest day ever. I’m working but today is passing so SLOW for some reason!! GAAAAAAAH. Sher: Yes […]

Parade of stupidity

We went down to The Swamp for the long weekend.  We always stay at my parents’ house even though my in-laws live there too (I am more comfortable at my parents’, and I’m a brat that way), and even though my mom and dad were not at home this weekend we stayed at their house […]


AE has been asked to speak at his kindergarten graduation.  N and I received an e-mail from his teacher explaining what he needed to do, and the very first thing that we both thought was Well, I guess she figures that the immediate danger has passed and he won’t say the f-word in front of the […]

The answer: LAZY. The question, I think you know.

Today my sister asked me why I haven’t blogged in a while.  (Almost a week, as it turns out.)  And I was all, EH.  I haven’t felt like writing, and I promised myself that I was NOT going to let this blog become a chore because quite frankly I have enough chores to do as […]