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Friday Randomness

Yesterday I stepped away from my desk for a little while, and when I returned, it was to an e-mail from AE’s kindergarten teacher.  The subject line was “incident today”.  I opened it, expecting to read that he had gotten a minor injury or something along those lines.  But no.

My week: A short review

Sunday – Got into our attic to dig out items to sell in the garage sale BB and I are having on Saturday (postponed from the originally planned date of last Saturday).  Apparently there are birds nesting up there.  Ew.

A very important list

I saw this over at Metalia’s site, and I thought it was a great idea so of course had to make one of my own.  An anti-bucket list, fun!  Plus, I love lists and easy posts.  Win-win!

In case you thought this was important

Here’s a couple excerpts of recent e-mail conversations between my sister and myself.  As you can see, we are clearly reasonable adults that discuss Very Important Matters with great regularity.  And as an added bonus, we are also politically correct.  Mom would be proud: Sher:  [at 2:00 p.m.]  I am hating being at work right now. The […]

None of these things belong together, none of these things are kind of the same

Today my lovely friend Shelly loaned me Guitar Hero:  Metallica because she knows the depth of my Metallica devotion.  Her hubby shares the same level of adoration, so they bought the Wii game when it was released this last weekend.  I was on the fence about whether or not I wanted to spend the money […]