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Success vs. failure

Resounding success.  WOO! Guess what?!  I finally convinced my sister to start her own blog!  Well, in the interest of full disclosure I sort of started it for her because I figured she couldn’t say no if it was already all set up and ready to go.  And I’m the big sister so really I’m […]

Traffic, industry and total forgetfulness

Every time I drive in Houston I wonder what would happen if there were a collision in the HOV lane, since there is really no way to get any vehicles on or off except at the predetermined areas.  And as of today, I have my answer.  Traffic comes to a screeching halt and it turns […]

Bringing pointlessness to a whole new level

Miss T has this little inchworm rocking-horse thingy, and she loves to rock rock rock on it.  However, it seems that she also enjoys carefully balancing on it and easing into a standing position.  With her arms stretched out to the sides and everything, like a wee little gymnast.  This child, she will be the […]

Weekend update

Because I’m feeling far too lazy to actually compose something remotely coherent, here is a list of random weekend factoids.  Bullet-point style, because is there really any other way?                                      


That last post was certainly whiny, and I’m having no more of that.  Let’s just get that off the top of my front page, shall we?  Miss T is much the same today as she was yesterday, so there’s no real point in worrying about things that haven’t happened yet.  That’s my policy with things […]