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It’s a hard knock life

Emily wants to know, if I had a super power, what would I want it to be?  Easy!  I have actually given this one some thought (why?), and have always wanted to be invisible.  Or, the ability to become invisible, anyway.  Like Sue Storm in Fantastic Four!  That would be a useful skill.  I can […]


For the last few days I’ve had a really hard time coming up with something to write about.  The sad fact of the matter is that my life is really not all that interesting!  I can’t even write any movie reviews, since I’ve been Netflixing TV shows instead.  Maybe something fascinating will happen soon and […]

Random things

This afternoon I had just answered my office phone when suddenly my cell started to vibrate across the desk.  I couldn’t answer it, of course, but the number on the caller ID looked similar to that of Miss T’s daycare.  I began to worry that she had gotten sick at school and they were trying […]

Utterly clueless

The longer I’m an adult with a “grown-up” job, the more I realize that a lot of things in the workplace make very little sense at all.  Also, even very smart people are capable of being incredibly stupid.  My sister -  5 years younger than me – is coming to this realization herself.  And not […]

My mind at work

In no particular order, a list of thoughts that have run through my mind at some point today: