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Overheard in the office

Most of the time, working in a cube farm is annoying.  Sometimes, however, I get to overhear rather amusing conversations on which I would otherwise miss out.  Witness:


Did you hear a shriek of glee around 3:45 Central time yesterday afternoon?  If so, that was me.  That is what time I finally finished my last soul-sucking proposal of doom and handed it over to my supervisor.  Then I did a happy dance.  But in all honesty, finishing the last one was kind of […]

Advice from a guest poster who has lived it

Today’s post comes to you from my little sister, Sheridan.  Because I am busy, and she is not, and she is funny but doesn’t have her own blog and it is a win-win for her to do a guest post today.    Well hello there.  Unfortunately, your normal blogger is inundated with work related blah blah […]


My husband posted this on his blog, and I am a sucker for posts that require very little thought.  Also, this is sort of like Mad Libs, which I love.  So anyway, if you read my blog and have an iPod (and a blog) then TAG!  You’re it!

Rednecks and killers and knights, OH MY!

Last night N and I were relaxing on the couch when we came across the quality show My Big Redneck Wedding.  Have you seen this?  Oh, you should.  It is freaking hilarious.  Maybe it perpetuates tacky stereotypes about the South, but having grown up in Texas let me just say that stereotypes exist for a […]