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This week’s top stories

Area woman suffers record amount of pinkeye flares When my sister was a kid, she used to get pinkeye a lot.  I remember mom telling me not to use her hand towel in the bathroom, to stay away from her pillow, that sort of thing.  I always emerged unscathed.  Now, however, I am clearly a […]


Did you know that the combination of Dayquil and coffee can give you a serious buzz?  Or maybe that is just me.  At any rate, I am high as a kite here.  I really feel as though I have a couple margaritas under my belt.  Which, while awesome, is making it difficult to concentrate or […]

Driving, shopping, movies and cats with a death wish

Texas is a right-turn-on-red state This morning I had the dubious pleasure of dropping AE off at school.  And was able to further establish that some people are idiots and should not be allowed to obtain a driver’s license.  I tend to have road rage issues anyway and I really don’t think that morning traffic at […]

Variety is the spice of life, after all

Needless neighborly nosiness Our next-door neighbor is a lady who lives by herself.  Her daughter is in college locally and stops by quite a bit, and the daughter’s boyfriend mows the lawn for her.  The neighbor lady herself seems quite friendly, and although I can’t remember her name I have chatted with her on more than one occasion.  All […]

Wrap-ups and updates.

Lewiepalooza 2008 Last weekend was the big 90th birthday bash/family reunion my parents threw for my grandma.  I’m sure you have all been unable to sleep at night, waiting for the update, so here it is.  With pictures, to boot!  Please try to contain your excitement.                                           Â