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Gallimaufry: a collection of various things

About a boy AE is SO EXCITED to start kindergarten on Monday.  We saw his classroom and met his teacher last night, and he just can’t stop talking about it.  Actually, he can’t stop talking about the Math Center.  To me it just looked like a small bookshelf containing number-related puzzles and games, but to aspiring mathematicians it is […]

Things I know

Recently obtained information: Pretzel Goldfish taste exactly like…wait for it…PRETZELS.  I’m not sure what I was expecting exactly, Goldfish with a pretzel-y flair maybe.  Or maybe something akin to those weird two-sided Townhouse crackers.  But alas, no.  Simply pretzels shaped like Goldfish.  Sad.

Parentheses may contain (unnecessary) supplemental info

I took Wednesday off work, as I have totally not been busy there but have plenty to catch up on at home.  It was awesome to have a day all to myself.  Where I could do WHATEVER I WANTED.  So I worked on our very neglected family scrapbook (12 pages down, approximately eleventy million to […]

Every topic under the sun? CHECK.

Oh, THANK GOD IT IS MONDAY.  I am not even kidding.  AE has been out of town so much this summer it had been a while since we had to wrangle both children at home all weekend long.  GAH.  AE bounces around continuously, and since becoming accustomed to playing Wii at my in-laws house he […]

Why so serious?

So when N and I were in San Antonio we had the opportunity to take in not one but TWO movies.  This is what we do on vacation – pay many dollars to sit for a few hours in poorly padded gum-covered seats.  Works for me!