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Imminent vacation = total lack of coherent thought.

I found a handy new way to corral Miss T while N and I get ready in the morning – the large garden tub in our master bath.  I plopped her down in there with a few toys and a plastic toothbrush tube (which she adores more than any toy she owns.  WHY?).  Turns out it […]

Today’s post brought to you by a total lack of sleep

As Kristine noted a few days ago, there is something genetically encoded in children that enables them to screw up their parents’ sleep patterns to the maximum possible extent.  Last night was no exception.  Due to N’s back pain situation and the resulting prescription for Vicodin, I was on baby duty all night.  Which meant, OF COURSE, […]

A veritable cornucopia of pointlessness

Tomorrow morning AE’s friend Tommy will be coming to our house for a few hours.  AE is beyond excited about this, I am less thrilled.  I mean, Tommy’s a good kid and all but I am not used to hosting other peoples’ children in my home.  What if he gets hurt?  What if he’s allergic […]

In which I say nothing of value, AS USUAL

So I am busily typing a response to an e-mail this morning and all of a sudden POOF!  The entire e-mail program closes out, no error message, no warning, nothing.  ARGH.  But I dutifully open it back up, and retype the same response.  I get to the exact same place in my message (near the end, […]

Stats, bats, and other very important discussions.

I was checking my stats in Google Analytics and couldn’t help but laugh at some of the keywords and phrases that brought people here.  A few of the more amusing ones: