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Poor camel couldn’t handle just one more straw

Oh, y’all.  It has been an incredibly trying couple of days.  Work has been terrible and horrifically busy, sleep-training Miss T has been challenging, it’s hotter than hell outside, I really miss AE, etc.  However I THINK I may be emerging from the dark side of the suckage.  AE will be back this weekend and Miss T […]

A lot of words, very little content.

Miss T seems to be mostly over her bout of tonsillitis.  She still has this pitiful-sounding cough that she busts out every so often, but that seems to be mostly for effect.  Her appetite is better, she’s sleeping marginally better, and she is certainly far less cranky.  Oh, and the blazing fever is gone too so […]

Super-quick updates

Well, Miss T has tonsillitis.  I didn’t even know that babies could get that but apparently they can.  Of course it is viral so there isn’t really anything we can give her other than ibuprofen, and the doctor mentioned that she will probably be unwilling to eat much so we’ll have to watch her for […]

Clean houses, good movies and busy little babies

My cleaning lady (or cleaning girl, as my husband says - since she is a college student he feels that is more accurate.  That’s probably not PC.  Cleaning…person?)  comes today!  I am so excited and cannot wait to go home to a clean house.         

Random celebrity snark, apropos of nothing.

Okay, I will admit it.  I would not be able to identify one of her songs if my life depended on it.  I ignored all the hype whenever she first came on the scene.  But I am not sorry for not being an Amy Winehouse fan.  I will not apologize AT ALL.  Because anyone who looks […]