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Things I am currently wondering

How it is that I got coffee all over my desk and keyboard without realizing it. Why the cleaning crew left a handwritten advertisement for handmade burritos on my desk last night. Whether anyone would actually purchase burritos with no information beyond what fits on a business-card sized piece of notebook paper.

Another weekend survived.

With kids, long weekends aren’t something to be looked forward to as much as they used to be.  Actually, that isn’t fair to AE.  With infants, long weekends aren’t something to be looked forward to.  It is just really hard to find something to do with a 6-month-old all day!  It’s not like they have […]

Movies, photos, TV, mosquitoes and links.

It’s time for Movie Madness over at Daily Mish Mash!  I’ll be participating in the blogging carnival again tomorrow (because Lord knows I don’t ramble about movies enough on my own and I need another excuse), but in the meantime pop on over and pay Jen a visit.  She’s got a fun movie-related gift basket giveaway that you […]

Personally, I love breakfast at any time of day. Or night.

Excerpts of today’s IM conversation regarding dinner options between my difficult charming husband and myself: me:  I thought you hated quiche          

Not much to say, but I say it anyway. Also, bad mom. Bad!

This morning I didn’t hear from Miss T at all until 4:11, and initially I was so proud of her for sleeping almost all the way through the night!  And then I went to put her bottle in the fridge and saw the leftovers of another bottle so I was able to surmise that N had dealt […]