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Actually, I looked more like a long-lost Spice Girl.

Miss T went to the doctor yesterday for her 6-month checkup.  She’s growing well (which I knew), 90-95th percentile for height, 50-75th (which seems kind of a wide range) for weight.  She has gained exactly 7 pounds since birth, now tipping the scales at 16 pounds 11 ounces.  Similar to AE at that age, but he was […]

This week has me wondering…

Mulling over media While up with Miss T in the wee hours this morning, I caught the last few minutes of Monk on USA.  After it ended, this message appeared on the screen:  We will now join the USA Network programming already in progress.  Wait, what?  Monk is original USA programming.  It’s not like I had been watching […]

Friday Randomness in the form of a photo essay.

I am really hyper at the moment!  And I have positively no idea why, but I do find it preferable to the extreme sleepiness that I am usually feeling this time of day.  When you get as little quality sleep as I do, you do not question where the energy is coming from.  You are […]

Pointless rambling, but at least it is CHEERFUL rambling

So today thus far has been much better than yesterday.  (Of course, yesterday was wicked AWFUL so it wouldn’t take much.)  I will illustrate my mood today with a recent picture of Miss T: See?  Isn’t that better?  Part of my pleasant mood is stemming from the fact that I can actually PUT photos in […]

A delightful assortment of crap, peppered with rage.

Oh, people. I have a serious case of The Cranky. I can’t even go into detail here because it will cause me to turn into a horrifically ranty ball of rage (TOO LATE) but suffice it to say that earlier today I felt myself slipping into the seventh circle of hell because of one woman’s […]